Подготовка к экзменам ОГЭ и ЕГЭ

Для учащихся 9-х, 10-х и 11-х классов центр «Джон Парсонс» проводит подготовку к сдаче Единого государственного экзамена. ВАЖНО! Для успешной сдачи экзамена у ребенка уже должен быть приличный уровень английского языка и сформированы навыки выполнения заданий экзаменационного формата.

Все эти знания и навыки приобретаются на предыдущих уровнях изучения языка.

Курс подготовки к экзаменам ОГЭ и ЕГЭ включает :

  • изучение формата экзамена
  • техники выполнения заданий
  • типичные ошибки
  • выполнение заданий и анализ ошибок
  • повышения уровня лексики и грамматики до уровня экзамена
  • совершенствование речевых навыков для выполнения заданий устной части
  • разбор формата письменной части и тренировка в написании личных писем и эссе по различным темам

Центр «Джон Парсонс» проводит предварительный экзамен с подробным анализом и рекомендациями по устранению ошибок.

Преподаватель курса: Подготовку к экзаменам проводит экзаменатор и тьютр Британского Совета, учитель высшей категории Куницына Ирина Алексеевна

Режим занятий: Занятия проводятся два раза в неделю по 90 минут в группах 3- 5 человек.

Уважаемые будущие абитуриенты, а ныне выпускники!

Преподаватели английского языка!

Предлагаем ВАМ образцы письменных работ в формате экзамена ЕГЭ. Целью данного сборника является оказать посильную помощь в подготовке к экзамену и возможности почерпнуть идеи для собственных работ, так как ни один существующий сборник подготовительных тестов не предлагает вариантов письменных работ, полностью отвечающих требованиям экзамена. Данные работы написаны выпускниками различных школ г.Тольятти в соавторстве в экспертами ЕГЭ. Будем рады, если вы будете присылать нам ваши работы, они будут размещены под вашим именем, надеемся расширить нашу коллекцию и охватить как можно более широкий диапазон тем. У вас так же есть возможность получить квалифицированный комментарий по вашим работам с рекомендациями по получению более высокого балла.

Образец личного письма

I can't wait till next weekend! There's going to be a barbecue in the village square; there'll be a band there, too. So...Good food and good music. What do you do at the weekends where you live? Is there a cinema near you? Do you often go out?...

Write him and answer 3 questions. Write 100-120 words

9,Polevaya St
Samara region
10th June, 2012

Dear Tom,

Thanks for your last letter.

As I'm in the 9th grade, I do my best to be ready for my final exams, so I have to practice a lot and at weekends I'm usually busy with my lessons.

There's a cinema in my village but it's far enough from my house and I rarely go there.

If I have spare time, I go to the city and do shopping, hang out with friends in a leisure centre, because it's quite boring to stay in my country place.

Sorry, I have to finish now. Hope, you'll enjoy your weekend.

I'm looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,


You have 20 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Tom who writes:

In Great Britain most young people want to become independent from their parents as soon as possible. Could you tell me what you and your friends think about not relying on your parents? Are you ready to leave your family immediately after you finish school? Is it easy to rent a house or an apartment for students in Russia? As for the latest news, I have just returned from a trip to Scotland

Write a letter to Tom. In your letter: answer his questions & ask 3 questions about his trip to Scotland. Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

50, K.Marks St.,
4th June, 2010

Dear Tom,

I’m awfully glad to get your letter and must apologize for not writing so long.
It’s really awesome and I believe that your journey to Scotland was incredible. Did you visit the labyrinth of the Scone Palace? Have you seen any celebrities during the annual art festival in Edinburgh? What‘s the most powerful impression from your trip? 
To be honest, I think that it’s too hard to do something for a living and to study at the same time without any parents’ support, but being independent is a very attractive idea. I and many of my friends are planning to leave their native places to enter Universities in other cities straight after school. While studying at Moscow University, I’m going to live in a dorm. It would be better than to pay for renting a room, because it’s rather cheaper and it’s a great living experience. Although, it’s not difficult to rent a flat.
Sorry, I have to prepare for my tomorrow test, looking forward to seeing you soon.


You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend David who writes:

...Tell me all about your school. What are the teachers like? What sports facilities does the school have? My school has just built a new gym; it’s great! Have you joined any school clubs? It’s my basketball team’s first match of the season on Saturday...

Write a letter to David. In your letter: answer his questions, ask 3 questions about his basketball match

105, Mira St.
4th June, 2010

Dear David,

I was awfully glad to get your last letter and happy to answer you.
You know that my school is distinctive and I really admire studying here. It has its own style and stimulates every student to get better results. The teachers are always tolerant and every time you need their help, they try to slot in explaining us difficult tasks.
Sport equipment is the best in our region as our school participates in sport-development program. I’ve recently joined one of the sport-club and consider it’s really worth doing. It’s awesome to relax into the after-school yoga classes, and it always provides me an excellent mood. Who is the best player in your team? Do you feel trembling in your knees before the match? Does your team have a chance to win?
Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best wishes,

You have 20 minutes to do this task. You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen-friend Julie who writes:

Tell me about the kind of food you eat in Russia. What do people eat at home? Can you describe traditional dish to me? Are eating habits changing? Hey, guess what?! I'm going on holiday with my two best friends this summer...

Write a letter to Julie. In your letter: answer his questions, ask 3 questions about her holiday. Write 100 – 140 words. Remember the rules of letter writing.

50, K.Marks St.
4th June, 2010

Dear Julie,

I'm awfully glad to get your letter and must apologize for not writing so long.
The food you eat in Russia depends on the area you live in as we have a vast territory with different climate conditions and eating preferences. Actually, we have harshness winters and very short summers, so we mostly eat fat containing dishes. Our typical is borsh or shchi, you could hardly find a family which doesn't cook it. It usually has vegetables and a big cut of tender beef. Delicious!
It's natural that our eating habits are changing during the times. The influence of other cultures and traditions has input the fast food habits to our everyday life.
It's great to spend holidays in a good company. Where're you going to? Is it expensive? How long are you planning to stay there?
Please write me back and tell what your news is.


Сочинения "за" и "против"

Nowadays, it is not significant among youth to wear too fashionable outfits. Yet, some individuals claim that nothing has changed in people’s mind and the old saying still remains urgent “Judge not of men and things at first sight”.
On the one hand, some people believe that trendy and stylish clothes make them feel more confident about themselves. Moreover, most people prove that if they wear expensive and sophisticated garments, they will attract more positive attention to their individuals. Finally, people think that if they have an exclusive outfit, it will propose to more trustful communication, as the first sight is the most important one.
On the other hand, attractive appearance does not mean valuable content. You may look nice, be fit, but do awful things and be a liar. Secondly, perfect appearance always requires too much money and time. You have to pick up some of the latest fashions and keep up with modern styles all the time. Finally, look nice may become a real obsession and will lead to serious diseases as anorexia. Media images can make you believe that something is wrong with you and also put pressure to go on extreme diets.
To sum up, there are lots of advantages and disadvantages. Yet, despite the desire to look in a better way, what is real important that you need to focus on the things you like about yourself and walk with confidence. If you like yourself and the way you look, other people will too.

Opinion выражение мнения

It is certainly true that the interest to study in other countries has grown a lot in recent years, and this is mostly because more and more people realize that after graduating from foreign university you might have better opportunities to find a well-paid job. I believe that nowadays the reality proves that it is a really good chance to start one’s own career.
As the world continues to become more globalized, companies from countries around the world continue to invest in international markets. Through an employer’s eyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations. This will all set you apart from the majority of other job applicants. Moreover, most of foreign universities’ education systems are based on strong educational traditions, including a wide scope and variety of subjects available for study.
Most persuasive thing is that after graduating from foreign university you are able to work in any country you want and you do not need to confirm your certificate of degree.
Some people claim that youth should be patriots of their motherland. The say that our country also has the requirements in high qualified professions. They forget that it is not compulsory to get education in other country and then to become an emigrant. Many young people come back to their native cities and continue their career at home, that makes their colleges to achieve higher standards in their job.
To sum up, I am sure that studying abroad provides you with valuable life experience, that with no doubt helps to deal with hardships in real life. Those who live apart not only from their relatives but also from their close friends and lots of usual things, become more responsible and self-confident and as a consequence more successful in their profession life.

The problem of teenage smoking is one that today’s society must deal with before it is allowed to increase. Advertising in different ways offers everyone a cigarette from posters and screen. Parent and teachers are demanding to ban it, but will it be enough? In my opinion, it will not be helpful.
To start with, the enforcement in any case does not bring a good service. As the proverb says forbidden fruit is the sweetest one. It may encourage passive watchers to start smoking. Another and most persuasive point is that it is easily accessible in almost every shop. In spite of the law, that forbidden to sell cigarettes to teenagers, shop assistants frequently offend against law. Moreover, the image of smoking hero convince adolescents that it will increase their personality among others.
Some people claim, that first of all family and school must be responsible for harmful habits. If it children learn to appreciate a healthy way of life since the very early age, they will appreciate it for the rest of their life. Schools must have strict rules and family must lead by example. They forget however, that at the age of 14 children.
In conclusion, solutions to the problem lie in education and in stricter law enforcement. More importantly, teenagers should be provided with adequate recreational facilities to put an end to the boredom that drives them to smoking.

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